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 Is it safe to visit Cancun?

It seems like the media has fallen in love with the image of Mexico being a lawless country. It is well known that drug dealers are in an eternal war among each other, however this unfortunate "war" is taking place on the north of the country. Cancun as any other place in the world has certain level of crime but this is nothing extraordinary or even something that a tourist should be worry about. If you are planning on visit Cancun all you have to do is to take the same precautions that you would take if you were visiting any other place in the world, use your common sense just be careful with your personal belongings and do not put yourself in a compromising situation (drink with responsibility and stay away from shady people). Please click here to read an interesting article about security in Mexico.

Last viewed date: 18 February 2025 20:08:08
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